
Berkleyside coverage of sexual harassment and gender discrimination claims against BUSD

Vinick Hyams LLP and co-counsel Burrell Kagin Law are pursuing a lawsuit on behalf of three women employed as custodians at Berkeley High School. This Berkeleyside article discusses the lawsuit against the district for failing to prevent on-going sexual harassment and gender discrimination. As the article notes, this is the second lawsuit alleging inappropriate and …

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Sharon Vinick weighs in on harassment in the virtual office on WNYC’s “The Takeaway”

In the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic, Tanzina Vega from the public radio show “The Takeaway” interviewed Sharon Vinick about how employers can be held liable for harassment that occurs while employees are working remotely. In the segment– which you can vist through this link — Sharon discussed the risks of the virtual office …

Sharon Vinick weighs in on harassment in the virtual office on WNYC’s “The Takeaway” Read More »

Appellate Court rules courageous #MeToo silence-breaker was entitled to speak out

The California Court of Appeals ruled that a woman who accused a former member of the California Assembly of sexual assault was protected by the law when she chose to speak out at a press conference after reporting the assault to the legislature. This means that former Assemblymember Matthew Dabbaneh’s lawsuit against her for defamation …

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Mother Jones Magazine features brave #MeToo silence breaker

During the era of #MeToo, more women are bravely stepping forward about the sexual harassment they have experienced. The Mother Jones article “She Said, He Sued: MeToo Accusers Face Defamation Suits,” brings needed attention to the increasing tactic of accused perpetrators launching defamation lawsuits to continue to silence their accusers. The story describes how Pamela …

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Washington Post article on NFL cheerleaders’ legal claims

The Washington Post called on Sharon Vinick to comment in its coverage of the lawsuit filed by former cheerleaders of the Washington Football Team and alleging that the team created lewd videos using outtakes from swimsuit calendar photographic sessions. You can access the article through this link. Ms. Vinick, who prosecuted successful wage-theft lawsuits on …

Washington Post article on NFL cheerleaders’ legal claims Read More »

BetterBrave Podcast interviews Jean Hyams on #MeToo

One of the very first episodes of the the BetterBrave Community Podcast featured Jean Hyams discussing how reporting harassment is doing the company a service. Better Brave is a nonprofit dedicated to tackling sexual harassment and discrimination in the workplace. Hyams explained in the interview explains why and how employers are required to respond to …

BetterBrave Podcast interviews Jean Hyams on #MeToo Read More »