gender discrimination

Lawsuit against California Department of Justice alleges agency discriminated and retaliated against high-ranking female Special Agent

Vinick Hyams LLP and co-counsel Law Office of Wendy Musell represent Special Agent in Charge R. Capello, one of the two highest-ranking women within California Department of Justice’s Bureau of Investigation, in her lawsuit against the DOJ. The lawsuit alleges a persistent pattern of gender discrimination and retaliation.  Capello, who has worked for the agency […]

Lawsuit against California Department of Justice alleges agency discriminated and retaliated against high-ranking female Special Agent Read More »

Berkleyside coverage of sexual harassment and gender discrimination claims against BUSD

Vinick Hyams LLP and co-counsel Burrell Kagin Law are pursuing a lawsuit on behalf of three women employed as custodians at Berkeley High School. This Berkeleyside article discusses the lawsuit against the district for failing to prevent on-going sexual harassment and gender discrimination. As the article notes, this is the second lawsuit alleging inappropriate and

Berkleyside coverage of sexual harassment and gender discrimination claims against BUSD Read More »

New York Times covers gender discrimination lawsuit against FinTech industry’s Carta

The New York Times published an article discussing a lawsuit filed by executive Emily Kramer against her former employer, the financial technology company Carta. In her lawsuit, Kramer alleges claims for gender discrimination, denial of equal pay, retaliation, and wrongful termination. As the article notes, Ms. Kramer claims that she was paid less than her

New York Times covers gender discrimination lawsuit against FinTech industry’s Carta Read More »

Dr. Margaret Mitchell, founder of Google Ethical AI Team, terminated after reporting equity issues of race and gender and opposing the firing of co-lead of Ethical AI Research Team Dr. Timnit Gebru

Dr. Margaret Mitchell, founder and co-lead of Google’s Ethical AI research team with Dr. Timnit Gebru, provided fuller context regarding events leading up to her termination in February 2021. Dr. Mitchell confirmed that, before and after Google’s termination of Dr. Gebru, she was vocally raising concerns of race and gender equity at Google, including publicly

Dr. Margaret Mitchell, founder of Google Ethical AI Team, terminated after reporting equity issues of race and gender and opposing the firing of co-lead of Ethical AI Research Team Dr. Timnit Gebru Read More »

BetterBrave Podcast interviews Jean Hyams on #MeToo

One of the very first episodes of the the BetterBrave Community Podcast featured Jean Hyams discussing how reporting harassment is doing the company a service. Better Brave is a nonprofit dedicated to tackling sexual harassment and discrimination in the workplace. Hyams explained in the interview explains why and how employers are required to respond to

BetterBrave Podcast interviews Jean Hyams on #MeToo Read More »