Legal training features Jean Hyams speaking on implicit bias and jury selection


Vinick Hyams LLP founding partner Jean Hyams and noted jury consultant Sonia Chopra discuss the challenges of dealing with jury bias in an an on-demand legal education training through Continuing Education of the Bar. The CEB webinar, “Dealing with Juror Implicit Bias,” covers best approaches to voir dire, implicit association tests, attorney biases/stereotyping in jury selection, and how implicit bias impacts perceptions of witness credibility, among others. The course offers both Implicit Bias credit and Elimination of Bias credits.

Jean has taught and lectured on jury selection for decades including at mock trials and education seminars. Bar associations and legal education providers who have invited her to teach or present on this critical trial skill include the Alameda County Bar Association, California Employment Lawyers Association, National Lawyers Guild and San Francisco Trial Lawyers Association.

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