BetterBrave Podcast interviews Jean Hyams on #MeToo


One of the very first episodes of the the BetterBrave Community Podcast featured Jean Hyams discussing how reporting harassment is doing the company a service. Better Brave is a nonprofit dedicated to tackling sexual harassment and discrimination in the workplace.

Hyams explained in the interview explains why and how employers are required to respond to reports of sexual harassment, stating “All workers are entitled to a workplace that is free of harassment and discrimination. When an employer receives a report about something that’s going on in the workplace that sounds like it may be sexual harassment, they have to investigate it.” Listen to the podcast through this link

Formed in 2017 in response to public outcry over sexual harassment, BetterBrave seeks to empower the workforce to create a safe and equitable workplace free of harassment, discrimination, and retaliation through innovative resources, tools and trainings. Jean served on the Advisory Board of Better Brave.

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